Your personality tendencies in a nutshell...
You enjoy making plans and commitments but you sometimes don't follow through. You value different and aesthetic experiences more than the average person. You are calm and logical for the most part, but some things worry you more than others. You can be critical at times, but you are supportive to most people. You may be outgoing or reserved depending on the situation. (this is so right; this paragraph is exactly me; great description)
About that "Alternative" bubble... Your scores indicate that while you are clearly a non-traditionalist, there are some aspects of your personality that are rooted in the comforts of the mundane. You may value artistic expression to the extent that walking through museums full of antiquities is your favorite thing to do. Perhaps you revel in the abstract and the unknown. Yet, you also shake your head in wonderment as to why some people choose to live their lives or decorate their bodies so non-traditionally. At times, you may also find yourself fixed in certain ideas, even though you pride yourself in being open to novelty and creative thinking. In the end, all this suggests is that you take a pinch of convention along with a scoopful of whimsy in your drink of choice. (true true about the museums and i love all kinds of arts and love the abstrack and yeah i can be also a bit conservative in some points in life... oh yeah, and about the "comforts of the mundane"; i love those comforts and am well rooted in those)
About those "Unemotional" and "Neurotic" bubbles... To quote the Hershey chocolate company, "sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." That pretty much sums up your score on the trait of emotional stability. There are times when you feel such intensity of emotions, mostly negative, that you just want to lie down and spend the day thinking about how you can score Prozac. In other contexts (like when you are on your meds), you feel just fine - calm, happy, ready to face the day. The emotions cancel each other out and you look like you are dealing with life fairly well statistically. Another possibility for your middle scores on emotional stability is that some things push your button more than others and when your buttons get pushed, you stress and freak. What's that I hear? Is that your mom calling? For the most part though, you are the epitome of grace under pressure. (not so much here.... i dont think my mood swings are that radical and i am such a trainwreck of emotions; and definitely i'm not on meds and i've never been. the last part about some emotions and stuff affecting me more than others that is true and yeah, i am grace under pressure)
About those "Competitive" and "Cooperative" bubbles... You're not exactly a people-person, but you're not exactly a curmudgeon either. While agreeable people tend to care a lot about others' problems and competitive people might use others' disadvantages to their advantage, you are the kind of person to care, but not overly much. Sure, you want to make people feel comfortable with you, but wouldn't knock yourself out to do so. You are likely to tell people what you think even if those beliefs are unpopular, but you do try to relay your thoughts in a relatively caring way. You may show more compassion for people if it just so happens that the situation strikes you the right way and speaks to your personal experiences. (that's true, i'm not the most social person but i am not antisocial either... and it does get hard for me to bond with people but i am suportive and compasionate)
About those "Introverted" and "Extraverted" bubbles... There are two possible reasons why you might have scored right smack dab in the middle on the trait of extraversion/introversion. First, you may be the type of person that answers "that sort of sounds like me" to questions about how you interact with the world. Do you like to party like it's 1999? Do you enjoy making small talk with the walls at a friendly get together? The answer to these incisive questions and other similar inquiries that tap into your social prowess would typically be "sometimes." The second possible reason why you are both extraverted and introverted (or neither of these traits, depending on how you look at it) is because you are statistically bipolar - answering an emphatic, "yessiree Bob" to some questions, while inaudibly whispering "that's not me" to other questions - causing your answers to cancel each other out. Never fear, balance is here. Frankly, being capable of enjoying time out with friends and sharing a laugh or two is that much sweeter if you can also savor time alone and take pleasure in quiet. (lol this thing is calling me bipolar?! well, yeah, i tend to be undecided, and kinda cold?! but i'm a virgo, we are not sentimental people and we are shy by nature, though i have my wild side and my social times...*roll eyes*... well, i do!)
so; what do you think?