

I'm sorry I havent blogged in a while... not that a lot of people read this blog anyways; I just like to vent out here, and tell bout my stuff.

Anyway, it's funny...no, actually it's not; it's weird, it's strange, how you start missing people; I miss a lot of people; these past days I've been missing a lot of things; more than missing things, I'm missing lots of people. I've been getting more used to being in Uruguay; I've started to get to know some people, made some nice acquaintances, some cool pals...I'll probably make some friends soon (I could call some friends, but not really; I haven't really got to know them that well). But I miss my friends back home; I miss my friends at school, I miss my family; not all of them though; but I miss my parents and my sister, I miss my dog. I also miss all that little things; things that at the moment may have seen so insignificant and stupid, but once you are away, they start to make sense, to become meaningful. Like, I miss hanging around with my friends at school, between classes; during breaks we would go to eat somewhere and talk or take some beers, maybe skip some classes at random just to hang out; make some weird stories and laugh till our stomach hurt and arrive late at home because we were making those fun stories; I would take Paco for a ride home, and we talked about random stuff; sometimes joking about me not taking him home, or taking more than just Paco home and drop them at random places on my way home; sometimes detouring. I miss going with my parents to the restaurant and to the mall; or visit some interesting places in Mexico City; or repeating some museum tour; going to the movies with my sister, arguing who gets to pic this weekend's movie, then at home go to her bedroom and lay on her couch and just talk and talk till it became late at night and we had to go to bed. Those were some nice things I miss.

I guess it's perfectly normal that you miss things from your past life; lets say, in my case, mexican traditions, family traditions; friends and family you left behind and all the things that you used to do. There are days when you get that missing period so bad, that you start thinking about it a lot, it may sometimes bring tears to your eyes. Fortunately, I'm not in that phase yet, I just think about it randomly, but often. However, there's this other kind of missing, it is weird, feels strange; but I miss the stuff or the people that I have close, that I can see, the things that I can do. Right now I am missing my bf like crazy. I have been in Uruguay for 2 months, the best 2 months of my life; it's amazing how can someone becomes a very important part of your life; and just when you thought that the feelings you have for said person couldn't grow anymore, they just grow more and more; becoming so deep, a part of your life. That's how I feel with him. I knew and felt that he was very important for me, a very dear person, the most important in my life and love him dearly; but during these past months that love has grown deeper and deeper and I love him even more. I miss him the most; I know I can see him when I want to; that there aren't thousands of miles between us anymore, that I can hold him once more, and kiss him... but I still miss him; I miss him when he's not around. I can't wait to see him again :)