
sorta OT... about the Virginia Tech events.

As any immigrant; I like to keep informed on what happens in my homecountry. It's a need I think everyone that is far away has; to know what's going on at home. Besides; I've always enjoyed watching the news or reading them; even if it's only the headlines; I like to keep myself informed on what is going on in the world.

Today, as my daily routine, I went to "El Universal" to read the news on Mexico; and I found those horrible news about the horrible massacre at Virginia Tech University, at the USA, news link in english here. I find myself pretty disturbed; I find it horrible, the fact that someone can come to the University and kill 33 people, and injure several more. The fact that you can't be safe, not even in your own classroom, and you are at risk of getting killed by some mad man that comes with some guns and fire with no mercy it's unbelievable; it's a saddening experience. The US has had several criminal attacks and murders at schools; horrible thing. One of the things I think that make cases like this happen is the fact that people, specially in the US is the easy access that people have to weapons, in this case firearms adn their respective munitions. There are some countries that the access to guns isn't so obvious, but still youth gets an easy access to them, because their parents or relatives dont have the necessary measures to make it hard to get an access to them; often forgetting the guns are loaded, or just put in some shelf and then saying "I thought my son didn't know it was there". You always have to take extra measures for security if you plan on giving people access to weapons, or have one at home. It doesn't matter if we are talking about the government or at your own home; the access to weapons should be harder. The government should restrict more the access to firearms and to bullets; make it harder for people to have one, by this way making sure that people that have a weapon at home are responsible enough to have one; and prevent the kind of accidents when the life of a person is threatened.

My condolences and my thoughts are with the families and friends of the people who lost their lives today. I am very shocked by the news. I am so glad that in Uruguay you dont have to deal with cases like the one at Virginia Tech, and I can be pretty much sure that there's not going to come some crazy guy with a gun and fire at random or aim at me or any of my classmates or teachers and I can study safely; but you never know; the world is a crazy one, and being away from my family and friends, I can't help to think on what would happen, that I need to take care; because I never know how things would be, when will they know, how would they act. It's a delicate subject.


housekeeping... making a new habit of it

My apartment is a mess; not that i find it any surprising. I kinda like it living in a messy place; it's not chaotic though; as I try to keep it sorta clean; but it still looks messy. I dont really care though; I understand my own mess and I could say I kinda have some order in this mess. I know where to find anything I want, and it makes sense to me. What makes me feel bad is when somebody comes home; for the moment just my bf has come to my place, and stares at my house; being all messy. I feel really bad; of course I try to clean and organize a little before he comes, but it still doesn't look all pretty; and when he makes some comment about it, kinda hinting my house is messy or is dirty I feel like shit; and feel even worse if he helps with the cleaning and organizing; makes me feel uncivilized. Weird thing.

The thing is, when I used to live with my parents I never had to make a real effort to clean anything. We always had housekeepers; when we were kids we had this sort of housekeeper/nanny thing, all day long, all week; except maybe the weekends, and when we grew bigger we just had a housekeeper that came home in the mornings, cleaned, did the laundry and left; my mom always did the cooking. When we couldn't afford having a maid come daily, they came like twice or thrice a week, the rest of the week we tried not to get the place dirty; I then learnt to make my bed and I later learnt to do my laundry; I just put everything inside the washing machine and then to the dryer and that's all. From time to time I helped washing the dishes; but that was as far as I went in helping with housekeeping. I didn't do a great job with the cleaning, but it was decent enough. I've always been a failure when it comes to cleaning. I remember that when I was at elementary and junior high; if you made a mess like dropping juice or something, you had to go ask for a mop and clean your mess. I've always been quite clumsy and drop everything to the floor, so I had to go often and asked for the mop, and made the effort to clean my mess; but my friends always took my mop and cleaned it for me; I guess because I sucked that they felt pity and cleaned my mess.

After 21 years of having people do everything for you; and then you move out, and you cant afford the same luxury; you become aware that if you dont do it, then no one else will; and that you deserve a clean and nice place to live. I've tried really hard to keep my apartment clean; but of course, there's always something missing, something messy, something dirty... it's the never ending story!! After wasting my whole day cleaning, and I think that maybe I finally finished, there's always something I forgot to do, or someting left to clean or organize. It's frustrating! And the conditions of the apartment sometimes get me upset, you start seeing so many wrong things with it; even if it's notso bad... I'm not gonna do something about it to make it better; I'll just try to keep it the way it is. I got a furnitured apartment, at least for the first year, it's easier that way, and then if all things go well I could consider getting an empty apartment and start furnishing myself with my taste and repairing all that needs to be repaired; but i'm not gonna do that any time soon, till i get a decent job and decide that I'll settle down in Montevideo. My idea so far is to settle here. I've moved to a lot of houses, to a lot of places; our family moved a lot, and I don't have an idea of what it feels to be in the same house, or same city for a long time, and getting to know the neighbors and all that normal stuff. I'm also becoming tired of changes; I think I need a pause in my life, to be more of a "normal" person. I still need a job; but I need to get my residence first; I hope to solve that issue this month; and once I get my residence I'll start actively looking for a job. I was thinking on getting an apprenticeship with some photographer; get some cheap salary, but enough to pay the bills; not the rent though, maybe I'll have to ask my dad for help.

Anyway; today is cleaning day; I hate that; but I need to get this mess organized... I want to keep it clean; more than that; I have to get this cleaning thing to become a habit; something I need to do, and do instinctly so I can live in a decent place, to be constantly clean and not suffer from having the whole weekend just for cleaning.


montevidean people... and stalking

During this past month that i've been in montevideo there are a lot of interesting things i've discovered; the people on the streets are one of the things i find the most interesting. Not only in montevideo, but in every city in the world; people are the heart of the city, town or whatever; and what makes it special; it's fascinating; ive always enjoyed just watching people going by; and during these past years, i've started to go a little bit further by talking to random people on the streets or in any public environment.

So; about people in montevideo; seriously, there are lots and lots of beautiful people. You walk and it's rare that you walk more than one street without noticing somebody good-looking. What makes uruguayans more beautiful, is not only their outer beauty but also their inner beauty; they are all so kind and welcoming and respectful; also very warm and helpful. Very modest and humble people; great virtues. Of course not everyone is like that, but a vast majority is. I think it's the best thing Uruguay has; its people.

Anyway, the people i've had the most contact with, besides my bf is the people of my neighbourhood; and also my classmates. I was told this neighbourhood is called "Palermo"... i thought it was downtown; anyway, it is very very close to be downtown where i'm at anyway... but i like the people from my neighbourhood. It's calmed, quiet; but at the same time it's very welcoming and i simply love living here; like, there's everything i need just around the corner. Not exactly just around the corner but quite near... I can walk to get everything i need and go to pretty much everywhere and everything is near and with easy access. I rarely have to take the bus to go to get something else; just the doctor i guess; besides that, i get pretty much everything in the neighbourhood or the nearest hoods.... Next to the apartment building there's some club of some "department" (the uruguayan equivalent of a state, or province) and the people from there are pretty cool. The doormen are very very warm.. like they always tell me "hi neighbor, how's it going?" :giggle: sometimes i even talk to the doorman lol.. some random short conversations... they're pretty cool. My classmates are really cool too... more serious to approach to the newbies, like shy i guess... very different from mexico; but once you get to talk to them, they are all pretty cool people... really nice.

Like I said before, not everyone is as cool as it seems or respectful. Like today; i went to some new supermarket (not really new, but at least new for me, cause i've never been to that one before... bf told me about it so i just went to get on some stuff i needed) and ewww... some perverted man, probably mid-40's walks by and says "beautiful"... but you know, with a perverted voice... like eww what's the problem with guys and men saying perverted shit to women on the streets or in other public places'!!!! I hate it... I hate the fact that when i walk i get perverted looks and/or comments. So anyways, like always... i just didnt pay attention and walked away... to get some stuff... then i went to get something else and the man then comes again and says something else and :fear: i just walked away again.... suddenly my cellphone rings, as if i get a text message, so i take it out of the purse to check who was it, and without noticing the man was at my side and tells me "do you want me to phone you?" and :crying: that was getting very very creepy... i felt stalked and i say; "no; leave me alone!" and went away.... but he didnt; just for a moment and then he goes and follows me wherever the fuck i went! i just walked randomly to get the man away and it was soooo creepy; fucking stalker.... then i thought i lost him and said; well, i'll pay and get the fuck out of here.... and he was also at the cashier and he still stalked me... god! i was so scared... left the line to pay and went away, to somewhere else... i waited for hours inside the supermarket, where there were some guards and lots of people till i felt more safe and then payed, checked if he was there; he wasnt and then i left. Seriously; that's by far one of the creepiest moments i've gone through...i've been followed home, i've felt threatened before; but i felt like... dirty and disgusting after this... like, seriously; that sort of harrasment and stalking is even worse that the possibility of being kidnapped. Other than that... montevidean people are really cool.

Introduction... welcome!

Hello everyone!

So; my name is Cattirun; call me Catti.... that's my internet identity. So, this blog is an idea I have been thinking about in the past months; a blog to share my experiences, thoughts and random comments about living alone; and living abroad. I think it would be cool to talk about two things a person has to face at some point in their lives; not both of them, as there are a lot of people that never move to another city, let alone the country... even if it is becoming a more common and popular thing to do; immigration; for whatever reason you want; it's a worldwide phenomenon; and it's very common to know someone who emmigrated or being descendant from some immigrant or even being the one who moved somewhere else. The other aspect I'll also talk about is living alone; something more common; that everyone has to do at some point in their life.

I both moved out of my parent's house and moved to another country; which is a huge and drastic change in my life. I am originally from Mexico City, lived in Toluca; which is a town near Mexico City (i'll call it DF from now on) and I moved to Montevideo, Uruguay; where I'm currently studying Graphic Design at ORT University Uruguay. I'm a 21 year-old girl. That basically covers the introduction for this blog. I hope that you like what I post here; feel free to comment. :)

Oh, another thing; I'm a natural spanish speaker; even if i talk very fluent english and french; spanish is my number one language; so excuse me if i have some random english mistakes for both grammar and spelling; I think I have a fairly decent level of english; and I do think a lot of stuff in english; and feel like whenever I do something in the internet, it has to be in english. However, there are some things that I may feel that go better in spanish, so i'll make this a bilingual journal. Not a lot of spanish entries though; just if i feel like writing some cultural thing or something for spanish speakers there will be an ocassional spanish entry, or even some bilingual; with a part in spanish and a part in english. It will be mostly english. What do you think of bilingual blogs? Do you read some?