
Introduction... welcome!

Hello everyone!

So; my name is Cattirun; call me Catti.... that's my internet identity. So, this blog is an idea I have been thinking about in the past months; a blog to share my experiences, thoughts and random comments about living alone; and living abroad. I think it would be cool to talk about two things a person has to face at some point in their lives; not both of them, as there are a lot of people that never move to another city, let alone the country... even if it is becoming a more common and popular thing to do; immigration; for whatever reason you want; it's a worldwide phenomenon; and it's very common to know someone who emmigrated or being descendant from some immigrant or even being the one who moved somewhere else. The other aspect I'll also talk about is living alone; something more common; that everyone has to do at some point in their life.

I both moved out of my parent's house and moved to another country; which is a huge and drastic change in my life. I am originally from Mexico City, lived in Toluca; which is a town near Mexico City (i'll call it DF from now on) and I moved to Montevideo, Uruguay; where I'm currently studying Graphic Design at ORT University Uruguay. I'm a 21 year-old girl. That basically covers the introduction for this blog. I hope that you like what I post here; feel free to comment. :)

Oh, another thing; I'm a natural spanish speaker; even if i talk very fluent english and french; spanish is my number one language; so excuse me if i have some random english mistakes for both grammar and spelling; I think I have a fairly decent level of english; and I do think a lot of stuff in english; and feel like whenever I do something in the internet, it has to be in english. However, there are some things that I may feel that go better in spanish, so i'll make this a bilingual journal. Not a lot of spanish entries though; just if i feel like writing some cultural thing or something for spanish speakers there will be an ocassional spanish entry, or even some bilingual; with a part in spanish and a part in english. It will be mostly english. What do you think of bilingual blogs? Do you read some?

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